Not all editors edit the same. This is not big news. Each editor brings their own experience to their editing. The main problem is when someone edits a How-To article on a subject they know nothing about. An example would be someone editing a How-To on electronics when they do not even know what a "schematic" is. To all editors, this is Electronics 101. If you have no idea what one is, how can you edit a How-To article?
Just in case you wish to know what a schematic is, it is.
The Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary definition is:
Main Entry: 1sche·mat·ic Pronunciation Guide
Pronunciation: ()sk|mad.]ik, skim-, -at], ]k
Function: adjective
Etymology: New Latin schematicus, from Latin schemat-, schema shape, figure, manner (from Greek schmat-, schma) + -icus -ic
: of, relating to, or constituting a scheme or schema : as a : corresponding to an established or formalized conception b : showing part for part in a model or diagram c : employing or constituting a scheme of conventional symbols
If an editor doesn't know this, the writer should try to at least inform the editor, or request another editor. Hopefully, someone at the site where you submit your How-To has some knowledge about electronics. If they don't, they should not be excepting articles on the subject.
As a freelance writer, editor, and book reviewer, this is just common sense, but not to some sites that request How-To articles from freelance writers. The same could be applied to freelance writers, it is always a good thing to try and expand your knowledge base,but make sure you do the proper research to know at least the rudimentary aspects of the subject you plan on writing about.
Is it easy? NO. Should it be done? A resounding YES. This is what being a freelance writer or editor is all about.
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